Kate's Big Ideas

How can you document your work so that it doesn't vanish?

A lot of writers have been having issues with their portfolios because publications are completely disappearing from the internet and so all that hard work of yours is gone, which is really, really frustrating.

For every piece you publish, save the link, then create a PDF of your work in an internal archive. Check for dead links when submitting an online portfolio, on your Linktree, or other social platform and links to the PDFs you saved if needed.

If you are a visual #journalist or #storyteller, you should absolutely always rip a final copy of whatever content you made so you can put together reels in the future using the original content. This also applies to saving documentation of statistics related to your work in a place easily accessible to you and your staff.

Saving every link/PDF/file is also great for finding the niche piece you wrote on mealworms that’s a perfect example for a new editor you’re pitching, but isn’t going to be in your online portfolio of fashion and culture articles. A few of the tools that our team uses right now for this purpose are a Chrome extension called Video Downloader PLUS, Ezgif (not only for gifs!), Instapaper (for archiving URLs), and Notion (for links).

More Ideas

Goodnight, Moon

I can’t remember the first time I read Goodnight Moon — probably because my parents started reading it to me before my infant brain could really catalog memory. Chances are, you had a similar experience. The book turns 75 this year, and over that time, it’s sold over 48 million copies, touching at least that many lives, time and time over.



Hello, friends, and happy scam season. To usher in the spirit, let me tell you a story.


No More

I am wandering the wilderness of France this week dodging protests and celebrating the anniversary of my birth. Which is to say I’m positive we’re eating well. And I … like eating well.