Kate's Big Ideas

What Does the Book Publishing Timeline Look like (Part 1)?

Last week someone reached out to me about a book they considered finished (nope) and wanted to know if they could get it out to the world, preferably tomorrow (also nope). We’ll call that person “Bob”. To be fair to Bob, Beyoncé did drop an entire secret album and set expectations that stuff just appears and everyone talks about it. But Bob is not Beyoncé, and neither are you.

Here’s the reality:

First, Bob must collaborate with their agent (which Bob needs to acquire!) to make a proposal outlining the idea of the book and secure a contract with a publisher (six months to many years). Once Bob signs, they’ll need to submit manuscripts within a year. Bob will likely get a ⅓ or maybe ½ of their advance up front, and the rest when the manuscript is turned in. If Bob is smart, they’ll save ten to thirty percent of the advance for marketing to supplement whatever support their publisher offers (never as much as you had hoped).

At this point, Bob is SO READY for the world to read their book (or hates it so much they’re now living undercover as Not Bob). But wait! There’s still a year of editing and the production of basic marketing tools like the cover.

How much longer will Book Bob have to wait? Stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow.

More Ideas

Goodnight, Moon

I can’t remember the first time I read Goodnight Moon — probably because my parents started reading it to me before my infant brain could really catalog memory. Chances are, you had a similar experience. The book turns 75 this year, and over that time, it’s sold over 48 million copies, touching at least that many lives, time and time over.



Hello, friends, and happy scam season. To usher in the spirit, let me tell you a story.


No More

I am wandering the wilderness of France this week dodging protests and celebrating the anniversary of my birth. Which is to say I’m positive we’re eating well. And I … like eating well.